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共 4 頁 / 第 1 頁
第 1 筆 I wonder why tunnels are round and other questions about building/Steve Parker.--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp.2001
第 2 筆 I wonder why spiders spin webs and other questions about creepy crawlies/Amanda O'Neill.--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp.2001
第 3 筆 I wonder why triceratops had horns and other questions about dinosaurs/Rod Theodorou.--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp.2001
第 4 筆 I wonder why vultures are bald and other questions about birds/Amanda O'Neill.--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp.2001
第 5 筆 I wonder why snakes shed their skin and other questions about reptiles/Amanda O'Neill.--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp.2001
第 6 筆 I wonder why flutes have holes and other questions about music/Josephine Paker.--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp.2001
第 7 筆 I wonder why zips have teeth and other questions about inventions/Barbara Taylor.--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp.2001
第 8 筆 I wonder why the sun rises and other questions about time and seasons/Brenda Walpole.--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp.2001
第 9 筆 I wonder why kangaroos have pouches and other questions about baby animals/Jenny Wood.--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp.2001
第 10 筆 I wonder why the wind blows and other questions about our planet/Anita Ganeri.--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp.2001
第 11 筆 I wonder why Stars twinkle and other questions about space/Carole Stott.--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp.2001
第 12 筆 I wonder why the Sahara is cold at night and other questions about deserts /Jackie Gaff.--London :Kingfisher ;Danbury, Conn. :Grolier,2004,.--I wonder why
第 13 筆 I wonder why camels have humps and other questions about animals /Anita Ganeri.--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp.2001
第 14 筆 I wonder why my tummy rumbles and other questions about body/Brigid Avison.--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp.2001
第 15 筆 I wonder why the dodo is dead and other questions about extinct and endangered animals /Andrew Charman.--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp.2001
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