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共 1 頁 / 第 1 頁
第 1 筆 二十屆臺北市膠彩畫綠水畫會聯展暨第六屆膠彩畫綠水賞全國公募展=The Associated Exhibition of the 20thTaipei Greenwater Gouache Painting Society Members'Artworks and the 6rd Public Gouache Collections:2010/台北市膠彩畫綠水畫會編.--臺北市:北市膠彩綠水畫會
第 2 筆 十九屆臺北市膠彩畫綠水畫會暨綠水賞第五屆膠彩畫全國公募展=The Associated Exhibition ofthe 19th Taipei Greenwater Gouache Painting SocietyMembers' Artworks and the 5th Public Gouache Collections:2009/台北市膠彩畫綠水畫會編.--臺北市:北市膠彩綠水畫會
第 3 筆 餘燼Embers/桑多.馬芮(Sandor Marai)著.--初版.--臺北市:大塊文化出版:大和書報總經銷2006[民95]
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