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書 名:M3 modern architecture 4:commercial, corporate, educational, public, residential /
作 者:Wang Shaoqiang
合著作者:Wang, Shaoqiang
出 版 項:Guangzhou, China:Sandu Pub. ;2011Tokyo, Japan :Azur [distributor],
稽 核 項:408 面:彩圖;30*30公分
I S B N:9784903233741 (精裝)(新台幣2650元)
標 題 項:公共建築
其他題名:M three modern architecture four
其他題名:M cubed modern architecture four

連結查詢 權威標目
書名 m3 modern architecture 4:commercial, corporate, educational, public, residential /m three modern architecture four m cubed modern architecture four
作者 wang shaoqiangwang, shaoqiang
出版項 sandu pub. ;azur [distributor],
標題項 公共建築
分類號 926
ISBN 9784903233741 (精裝)

M3 modern architecture 4:commercial, corporate, educational, public, residential /Wang Shaoqiang.--Guangzhou, China:Sandu Pub. ;Tokyo, Japan :Azur [distributor],2011
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況
復興商工圖書館/(未記錄) 023562 926/W246 在館中

A+ Awards 2015:Architizer /Emilia Terragni.--Oxford :Phaidon,2015
Outdoor play spaces for children /Bruce Grillmeier.--Mulgrave, Victoria, Australia :The Images Publishing Group Pty Ltd,2015
Louis Kahn:House of the Nation/Grischa Ruschendorf,Kazi Ashraf著.--初版.--Hong Kong:ORO editions

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