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書 名:The art of cutting:tradition and new techniques for paper, cardboard, wood and other materials /
作 者:Trebbi, Jean-Charles
合著作者:Trebbi, Jean-Charles
出 版 項:Barcelona :Promopress,2015
稽 核 項:160面:彩圖;24*22公分
I S B N:9788415967156 (平裝)(新台幣1375元)
標 題 項:紙藝

連結查詢 權威標目
書名 the art of cutting:tradition and new techniques for paper, cardboard, wood and other materials /
作者 jean-charles trebbitrebbi, jean-charles
出版項 promopress,
標題項 紙藝
分類號 972
ISBN 9788415967156 (平裝)

The art of cutting:tradition and new techniques for paper, cardboard, wood and other materials /Jean-Charles Trebbi.--Barcelona :Promopress,2015
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況
復興商工圖書館/(未記錄) 026274 972/T785 在館中

Unfolding /Matthew Shlian .--London,New York :2020
Complete pleats:pleating techniques for fashion, architecture and design /Paul Jackson.--London :Laurence King Publishing,2015
Paper Art II /designer, Wang Anlei ; chief editor, Xia JiaJia.--Hong Kong :Artpower Intl2015

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