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書 名:I wonder why triceratops had horns and other questions about dinosaurs/Rod Theodorou
作 者:Theodorou, Rod
出 版 項:Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp. 2001
稽 核 項:32面:彩圖;29*24公分
叢 書 項:I wonder why
標 題 項:兒童用科學叢書

連結查詢 權威標目
書名 i wonder why triceratops had horns and other questions about dinosaurs
作者 theodorou, rod
出版項 grolier educational corp.
叢書項 i wonder why
標題項 兒童用科學叢書
分類號 308.9
ISBN 9780753405215

I wonder why triceratops had horns and other questions about dinosaurs/Rod Theodorou.--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp.2001
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復興商工圖書館/(未記錄) 023803 308.9/T388 在館中

I wonder why tunnels are round and other questions about building/Steve Parker.--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp.2001
I wonder why spiders spin webs and other questions about creepy crawlies/Amanda O'Neill.--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp.2001
I wonder why vultures are bald and other questions about birds/Amanda O'Neill.--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational Corp.2001

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